Example gallery
Visualize aircraft trajectory data, common and more unusual patterns, interactions between aircraft and air traffic control, wind, turbulence, Earth’s magnetic field, and more to come.
Aircraft trajectory patterns
Flying is not only about commercial aviation, many aircraft fly for different reasons: commercial aviation (passenger and freight) is only one of its kind.
Calibration flights Calibration flights with SAVAN trajectories Tour de France 2020 Zero gravity flightsAir traffic control
Visualize activities of air traffic controllers operating our skies and airports
Is this a plane? Landing configuration Landing sequence In-flight emergenciesAir traffic density
Measure and visualize how many aircraft fly in the sky
Heatmaps Impact of COVID-19 on worldwide aviation Flying to Kaliningrad during the Russian flight banPlanet Earth
How our planet impacts aircraft trajectories in unexpected ways
Geomagnetic declination A Mode S based windfield Sun elevationThird-party examples
Users in the community have been publishing some very appealing use cases on third-party websites. Here is an attempt to list some of them [1]: