Getting started๏ƒ

The motivation for this page/notebook is to take the reader through all basic functionalities of the traffic library. In particular, we will cover:

  1. a basic introduction about Flight and Traffic structures;

  2. how to produce visualisations of trajectory data;

  3. a use case to display trajectories around Paris area;

  4. an introduction to declarative trajectory processing through lazy iteration


This page is also available as a notebook which can be downloaded and executed locally; or loaded and executed in Google Colab.

Basic introduction๏ƒ

The traffic library provides natural methods and attributes that can be applied on trajectories and collection of trajectories, all represented as pandas DataFrames.

Flight objects๏ƒ

Flight is the core class offering representations, methods and attributes to single trajectories. Trajectories can either:

The Belevingsvlucht from the sample trajectory set is present throughout the documentation:

from import belevingsvlucht

Many representations are available:

  • in a Python interpreter:

    Flight(icao24='484506', callsign='TRA051')
  • with rich simple or advanced representations:

    from rich.pretty import pprint
    Flight(icao24='484506', callsign='TRA051')
    # the console is not necessary if you ran pretty.install()
    from rich.console import Console
    console = Console()
      - callsign: TRA051   
      - aircraft: 484506 ยท ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ PH-HZO (B738)
      - start: 2018-05-30 15:21:38Z 
      - stop: 2018-05-30 20:22:56Z
      - duration: 0 days 05:01:18
      - sampling rate: 1 second(s)
      - features:
        o altitude, int64
        o groundspeed, int64
        o latitude, double
        o longitude, double
        o timestamp, timestamp
        o track, int64
        o vertical_rate, int64
  • in a Jupyter notebook:


    • callsign: TRA051
    • aircraft: 484506 ยท ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ PH-HZO (B738)
    • start: 2018-05-30 15:21:38+00:00
    • stop: 2018-05-30 20:22:56+00:00
    • duration: 0 days 05:01:18
    • sampling rate: 1 second(s)

Information about each Flight is available through attributes or properties:

{'callsign': 'TRA051',
 'icao24': '484506',
 'aircraft': Tail(icao24='484506', registration='PH-HZO', typecode='B738', flag='๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ'),
 'start': Timestamp('2018-05-30 15:21:38+0000', tz='UTC'),
 'stop': Timestamp('2018-05-30 20:22:56+0000', tz='UTC'),
 'duration': Timedelta('0 days 05:01:18')}

Methods are provided to select relevant parts of the flight, e.g.ย based on timestamps. The start and stop properties refer to the timestamps of the first and last recorded samples. Note that all timestamps are by default set to universal time (UTC) as it is common practice in aviation.

(belevingsvlucht.start, belevingsvlucht.stop)
(Timestamp('2018-05-30 15:21:38+0000', tz='UTC'),
 Timestamp('2018-05-30 20:22:56+0000', tz='UTC'))


  • callsign: TRA051
  • aircraft: 484506 ยท ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ PH-HZO (B738)
  • start: 2018-05-30 15:21:38+00:00
  • stop: 2018-05-30 15:51:37+00:00
  • duration: 0 days 00:29:59
  • sampling rate: 1 second(s)


Note the difference between the โ€œstrictโ€ comparison (\(>\)) vs. โ€œor equalโ€ comparison (\(\geq\))

belevingsvlucht.after("2018-05-30 19:00", strict=False)


  • callsign: TRA051
  • aircraft: 484506 ยท ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ PH-HZO (B738)
  • start: 2018-05-30 19:00:00+00:00
  • stop: 2018-05-30 20:22:56+00:00
  • duration: 0 days 01:22:56
  • sampling rate: 1 second(s)


Each Flight is wrapped around a pandas.DataFrame: when no method is available for your particular need, you can always access the underlying dataframe.

belevingsvlucht.between("2018-05-30 19:00", "2018-05-30 20:00").data
timestamp icao24 latitude longitude groundspeed track vertical_rate callsign altitude
11750 2018-05-30 19:00:01+00:00 484506 52.839973 5.793947 290 52 -1664 TRA051 8233
11751 2018-05-30 19:00:02+00:00 484506 52.840747 5.79568 290 52 -1664 TRA051 8200
11752 2018-05-30 19:00:03+00:00 484506 52.841812 5.797501 290 52 -1664 TRA051 8200
11753 2018-05-30 19:00:04+00:00 484506 52.842609 5.799133 290 52 -1599 TRA051 8149
11754 2018-05-30 19:00:05+00:00 484506 52.843277 5.80101 289 52 -1599 TRA051 8125
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
14750 2018-05-30 19:59:54+00:00 484506 52.84964 5.357513 277 280 0 TRA051 6000
14751 2018-05-30 19:59:56+00:00 484506 52.850104 5.351205 277 277 640 TRA051 6025
14752 2018-05-30 19:59:57+00:00 484506 52.850281 5.349197 277 277 640 TRA051 6050
14753 2018-05-30 19:59:58+00:00 484506 52.85043 5.347046 277 277 1088 TRA051 6050
14754 2018-05-30 19:59:59+00:00 484506 52.850601 5.344849 278 277 1216 TRA051 6075

3005 rows ร— 9 columns

Traffic objects๏ƒ

Traffic is the core class to represent collections of trajectories. In practice, all trajectories are flattened in the same pandas.DataFrame.

from import quickstart

The basic representation of a Traffic object is a summary view of the data: the structure tries to infer how to separate trajectories in the data structure based on customizable heuristics, and returns a number of sample points for each trajectory.



with 236 identifiers
icao24 callsign  
39d300 TVF91KQ 3893
39b002 FHMAC 3360
3aabfc FMY8055 2669
39c82b PEA501 2247
4241bb VPCAL 2168
02a195 TAR722 2166
398495 CCM774V 2134
4bc844 PGT90Y 2124
39ceb4 TVF19YP 2076
4d02be JFA12P 2057
Traffic objects offer the ability to index and iterate on all flights contained in the structure.
In order to separate and identify trajectories (Flight), Traffic objects will use either:
  • a customizable flight identifier (flight_id); or

  • a combination of timestamp and icao24 (aircraft identifier);

Indexation will be made on:

  • icao24, callsign (or flight_id if available):

    quickstart["TAR722"]  # return type: Flight, based on callsign
    quickstart["39b002"]  # return type: Flight, based on icao24


    • callsign: FHMAC
    • aircraft: 39b002 ยท ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท F-HMAC (EC20)
    • start: 2021-10-07 13:21:56+00:00
    • stop: 2021-10-07 14:17:57+00:00
    • duration: 0 days 00:56:01
    • sampling rate: 1 second(s)
  • an integer or a slice, to take flights in order in the collection:

    quickstart[0]  # return type: Flight, the first trajectory in the collection
    quickstart[:10]  # return type: Traffic, the 10 first trajectories in the collection


    with 10 identifiers
    icao24 callsign  
    02a195 TAR722 2166
    0a0046 DAH1011 1323
    0101de MSR799 1290
    34150e IBE34AK 1152
    06a2b1 QTR9UU 1144
    0a0047 DAH1000 1111
    300789 IWALK 1024
    06a1e7 QTR23JR 874
    06a133 QQE940 803
    0a0047 DAH1001 798
  • a subset of trajectories can also be selected:

    • if a list is passed an index:

      quickstart[['AFR83HQ', 'AFR83PX', 'AFR84UW', 'AFR91QD']]


      with 4 identifiers
      icao24 callsign  
      394c04 AFR83PX 1274
      3946e2 AFR84UW 1112
      3946e0 AFR91QD 1078
      3950d0 AFR83HQ 650
    • with a pandas-like query():



      with 84 identifiers
      icao24 callsign  
      393324 AFR69CR 1992
      393320 AFR85FF 1975
      398564 AFR9455 1666
      3985a4 AFR19BH 1636
      3944f1 AFR15AH 1546
      3944f0 AFR51LU 1525
      393321 AFR18KJ 1486
      3944ed AFR71ZP 1463
      3950cd AFR26TR 1396
      394c13 AFR1753 1346

There are several ways to assign a flight identifier. The most simple one that you will use in 99% of situations involves the flight_id() method.



with 238 identifiers
TVF91KQ_137 3893
FHMAC_116 3360
VPCAL_156 2168
TAR722_001 2166
CCM774V_087 2134
PGT90Y_196 2124
TVF19YP_134 2076
JFA12P_207 2057
AFR69CR_025 1992
AFR85FF_023 1975

We will explain further what the eval() method is about.

Data visualization๏ƒ

The traffic library offers facilities to leverage the power of common visualization renderers including Matplotlib and Altair.

  • with Matplotlib, the traffic style context (optional) offers a convenient initial stylesheet:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7))
            .between("2018-05-30 19:00", "2018-05-30 20:00")
                y=["altitude", "groundspeed"],
        ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation=0)
  • The chart() method triggers an initial representation with Altair which can be further refined.
    For example, with the following subset of trajectories:
    subset = quickstart[["TVF22LK", "EJU53MF", "TVF51HP", "TVF78YY", "VLG8030"]]

    Even a simple visualization without a physical features plotted on the y-channel can be meaningful. The following proposition helps visualizing when aircraft are airborne:

    import altair as alt
    # necessary line if you see an error about a maximum number of rows
                alt.Y("callsign", sort="x", title=None),
                alt.Color("callsign", legend=None),
            for flight in subset

    The y-channel is however most often used to plot physical quantities such as altitude, ground speed, or more.

            for flight in subset

    Simple plots are beautiful by default, but it is still possible to further refine them. For more advanced tricks with Altair, refer to their online documentation.

    chart = (
                    alt.Y("altitude", title=None, scale=alt.Scale(domain=(0, 18000))),
                for flight in subset
        .properties(title="altitude (in ft)")  # "trick" to display the y-axis title horizontally
        .configure_title(anchor="start", font="Lato", fontSize=16)

Making maps๏ƒ

Maps are also available with Matplotlib, Altair, and thanks to ipyleaflet widgets.

  • with Matplotlib, you need to specify a projection for your axis system. They are provided by cartes on top of Cartopy. Here, the Lambert93 projection is picked as it is a standard projection in France.

    All traffic objects which may be represented on a map are equipped with a plot() method.

    from import Lambert93
    from import airports
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection=Lambert93()))
        airports["LFPO"].plot(ax, footprint=False, runways=dict(linewidth=1))
        for flight in subset:
            flight.plot(ax, linewidth=2)
        ax.set_title("Landing trajectories at Parisโ€“Orly airport")
  • with Altair, the initial method is geoencode()

    from import airports
    chart = (
            *(flight.geoencode().encode(alt.Color("callsign:N")) for flight in subset)
        .properties(title="Landing trajectories at Parisโ€“Orly airport")
        .configure_title(anchor="start", font="Lato", fontSize=16)
  • for quick interactive representations with few elements, the Leaflet widget is a good option:


Low-altitude trajectory patterns in Paris metropolitan area๏ƒ

The quickstart dataset contains a collection of low altitude trajectories. In this section, we aim to display trajectory patterns of aircraft landing or taking off from any of Paris area airport.

It is often a good practice to just plot the data as is before we get an idea of how to proceed.

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection=Lambert93()))
    quickstart.plot(ax, alpha=.7)

We see here several flows converging mostly in the two major airports in Paris (i.e., Orly LFPO and Charles-de-Gaulle LFPG). However, more airports are also visible, e.g. Beauvais airport to the North.

We can try to put a different colour to landing trajectories and take-off trajectories to make this plot more meaningful. A first trick could be to pick a colour based on the vertical rate average value.

import pandas as pd

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection=Lambert93()))

    for flight in quickstart:
        if pd.isna(flight.vertical_rate_mean):
        if flight.vertical_rate_mean < -500:
            flight.plot(ax, color="#4c78a8", alpha=0.5)  # blue
        elif flight.vertical_rate_mean > 1000:
            flight.plot(ax, color="#f58518", alpha=0.5)  # orange
            flight.plot(ax, color="#54a24b", alpha=0.5)  # green

This approach is not perfect (there are quite some green trajectories) but gives a good first idea of how traffic organizes itself. Letโ€™s try to focus on the traffic to and from one airport, e.g. LFPO, in order to refine the methodology.

A first approach to select those trajectories would be to pick the first/last point of the Flight and check whether it falls within the geographical scope of the airport. In the following snippet, we do things a bit differently: we check whether the first/last 5 minutes of the trajectory intersects the shape of the airport.

from import airports

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection=Lambert93()))

    for flight in quickstart:
        if pd.isna(flight.vertical_rate_mean):
        if flight.vertical_rate_mean < -500:
            if flight.last("5 min").intersects(airports["LFPO"]):
                flight.plot(ax, color="#4c78a8", alpha=0.5)
        elif flight.vertical_rate_mean > 1000:
            if flight.first("5 min").intersects(airports["LFPO"]):
                flight.plot(ax, color="#f58518", alpha=0.5)

What is now becoming confusing is that there seems to have been a change in runway configuration during the time interval covered by the dataset. It would now probably become more comfortable if we could identify the runway used by aircraft for take off or landing.

traffic provides landing() for landing and takeoff() for take-off. Both methods return a FlightIterator(), so if we consider that all trajectories have only one landing attempt on that day, we need to apply next() to get the first trajectory segment matching, and extract relevant information (the runway information):

import pandas as pd
from import tqdm

information = list()

for flight in tqdm(quickstart):
    if landing := flight.landing("LFPO").next():
                "callsign": flight.callsign,
                "icao24": flight.icao24,
                "airport": "LFPO",
                "stop": landing.stop,
                "ILS": landing.ILS_max,
    elif landing := flight.landing("LFPG").next():
                "callsign": flight.callsign,
                "icao24": flight.icao24,
                "airport": "LFPG",
                "stop": landing.stop,
                "ILS": landing.ILS_max,
    elif landing := flight.landing("LFPB").next():
                "callsign": flight.callsign,
                "icao24": flight.icao24,
                "airport": "LFPB",
                "stop": landing.stop,
                "ILS": landing.ILS_max,

stats = pd.DataFrame.from_records(information)

callsign icao24 airport stop ILS
0 MSR799 0101de LFPG 2021-10-07 12:34:22+00:00 26L
1 TAR722 02a195 LFPO 2021-10-07 14:25:04+00:00 06
2 QTR9UU 06a2b1 LFPG 2021-10-07 12:42:49+00:00 26L
3 DAH1000 0a0047 LFPG 2021-10-07 12:27:55+00:00 26L
4 AEA1297 344487 LFPO 2021-10-07 14:33:14+00:00 06
... ... ... ... ... ...
86 SVA127 7103d7 LFPG 2021-10-07 14:54:46+00:00 08R
87 JAL45 86e430 LFPG 2021-10-07 14:29:35+00:00 08R
88 FDX5046 a06310 LFPG 2021-10-07 14:59:59+00:00 09R
89 AMX003 a560f3 LFPG 2021-10-07 14:27:00+00:00 08R
90 FDX5093 ab8b7f LFPG 2021-10-07 14:42:25+00:00 09R

91 rows ร— 5 columns

chart = (
        alt.X("utcdayhoursminutesseconds(stop)", axis=alt.Axis(format="%H:%M"), title=None),
        alt.Y("ILS", title=None),
        alt.Color("ILS", legend=None),
        alt.Row("airport", title=None),

It appears here that there has been a coordinated runway configuration change around 13:20Z in all Paris airports. This suggests we should plot how traffic organizes in both configurations.

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, subplot_kw=dict(projection=Lambert93()))

    for flight in quickstart:
        if segment := flight.landing("LFPO").next():
            index = int(flight.stop <= pd.Timestamp("2021-10-07 13:30Z"))
            flight.plot(ax[index], color="#4c78a8", alpha=0.5)
        elif segment := flight.takeoff("LFPO").next():
            index = int(segment.start <= pd.Timestamp("2021-10-07 13:20Z"))
            flight.plot(ax[index], color="#f58518", alpha=0.5)

So it is now time to do a preliminary visualization with a basic background, including administrative boundaries of Greater Paris Area and the Seine river as an additional landmark:

from cartes.atlas import france
from import Lambert93, PlateCarree
from cartes.osm import Nominatim

# background elements
paris_area ="ID_1 == 1000")
seine_river = ("Seine river, France")

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(
        3, 2, figsize=(10, 15), subplot_kw=dict(projection=Lambert93())

    airport_codes = ["LFPO", "LFPG", "LFPB"]
    for flight in quickstart:
        phases = flight.phases()

        if phases.query('phase == "DESCENT"'):
            # Determine on which ax to plot based on detected airport
            for airport_index, airport in enumerate(airport_codes):
                if segment := flight.landing(airport).next():
                    # Determine on which column to plot based on time
                    time_index = int(segment.stop <= pd.Timestamp("2021-10-07 13:20Z"))
                        ax[airport_index, time_index], color="#4c78a8", alpha=0.4

        elif phases.query('phase == "CLIMB"'):
            # Determine on which ax to plot based on detected airport
            for airport_index, airport in enumerate(airport_codes):
                if segment := flight.takeoff(airport).next():
                    # Determine on which column to plot based on time
                    time_index = int(segment.start <= pd.Timestamp("2021-10-07 13:20Z"))
                        ax[airport_index, time_index], color="#f58518", alpha=0.4

    # Annotate each map with airport information
    for i, airport in enumerate(airport_codes):
        ax[i, 0].set_title(f"{airport}", loc="left", y=0.8)

    for ax_ in ax.ravel():
        # Background map
            [seine_river], crs=PlateCarree(),
            facecolor="none", edgecolor="#9ecae9", linewidth=1.5,
            facecolor="none", edgecolor="#bab0ac", linestyle="dotted",

        ax_.set_extent((0.78, 4.06, 47.7, 49.7))

        "West and East configurations in Paris airports",
        fontsize=16, x=0.1, y=0.9, ha="left",

Declarative trajectory processing๏ƒ

Basic operations on Flight objects define a specific language which enables to express programmatically any kind of preprocessing. The downside with programmatic preprocessing is that it may become unnecessarily complex because of safeguards, nested loops and conditions necessary to express even basic treatments.

The main issue with the code above is that code for preprocessing and code for visualization are strongly connected: it is impossible to produce a visualization without running โ€œheavyโ€ processing, as subsets of trajectories are never stored as Traffic collections for future reuse.

There are several ways to collect trajectories:

  • with trajectory arithmetic: the + operator (and therefore the sum() Python built-in function) between Flight and Traffic objects always returns a new Traffic object;

  • the from_flights() class method builds a Traffic object from an iterable structure of Flight objects. It is more robust than the sum() Python function as it will ignore None objects which may be found in the iterable.

    from traffic.core import Traffic
    def select_landing(airport: "Airport"):
        for flight in quickstart:
            if low_alt := flight.query("altitude < 3000"):         # Flight -> None or Flight
                if not pd.isna(v_mean := low_alt.vertical_rate_mean) and v_mean < -500:  # Flight -> bool
                    if low_alt.intersects(airport):                # Flight -> bool
                        if low_alt.landing(airport).has():  # Flight -> bool
                            yield low_alt.last("10 min")           # Flight -> None or Flight
    # Traffic.from_flights is more robust than sum() as the function may yield some None values


    with 24 identifiers
    icao24 callsign  
    345359 VLG8030 335
    39ceb4 TVF19YP 323
    34610f VLG2848 315
    39cea3 TVF54RN 305
    3964eb TVF22LK 297
    02a195 TAR722 296
    345043 VLG8018 290
    346091 VLG76Y 286
    44093e EJU458L 282
    49514e TAP442 282


Lazy iteration offers flattened specifications of trajectory preprocessing operations. Operations are stacked before being evaluated in a single iteration, using multiprocessing if needed, only after the specification is fully described.

Lazy evaluation is a common wording in functional programming languages. It refers to a mechanism where the actual evaluation is deferred.

When you stack any Flight method returning an Optional[Flight] or a boolean, a lazy iteration is triggered. You may remember that:

  • Most Flight methods returning a Flight, a boolean or None can be stacked on Traffic structures;

  • When such a method is stacked, it is not evaluated, just pushed for later evaluation;

  • The final .eval() call starts one single iteration and apply all stacked method to every Flight it can iterate on.

  • If one of the methods returns False or None, the Flight is discarded;

  • If one of the methods returns True, the Flight is passed as is not the next method.

The landing trajectory selection rewrites as:

    quickstart.query("altitude < 3000")      # Traffic -> None | Traffic
    # Lazy iteration is triggered here by the .feature_lt method
    .feature_lt("vertical_rate_mean", -500)  # Flight -> None | Flight
    .intersects(airports["LFPO"])            # Flight -> bool
    .has('landing("LFPO")')           # Flight -> bool
    .last("10 min")                          # Flight -> None | Flight
    # Now evaluation is triggered on 4 cores
    .eval(max_workers=4)  # the desc= argument creates a progress bar


with 24 identifiers
icao24 callsign  
345359 VLG8030 335
39ceb4 TVF19YP 323
34610f VLG2848 315
39cea3 TVF54RN 305
3964eb TVF22LK 297
02a195 TAR722 296
345043 VLG8018 290
346091 VLG76Y 286
44093e EJU458L 282
49514e TAP442 282


The landing() call (without considerations on the vertical rate and intersections) is actually enough for our needs here, but more methods were stacked for explanatory purposes.

For reference, look at the subtle differences between the following processing:

  • take the last 10 minutes of trajectories landing at LFPO (similar to above):

    t1 = (
        .last('10 min')
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection=Lambert93()))
        t1.plot(ax, color="#f58518")
            ax, footprint=False,
            runways=dict(linewidth=1, color='black', zorder=3)
  • take the last minute of the segment of trajectory which is aligned on runway 06:

    t2 = (
        .query("ILS == '06'")
        .last("1 min")
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection=Lambert93()))
        t2.plot(ax, color="#f58518")
        airports['LFPO'].plot(ax, labels=dict(fontsize=11))
  • select full trajectories landing on runway 06 from one minute before landing:

    import pandas as pd
    def last_minute_with_taxi(flight: "Flight") -> "None | Flight":
        for segment in flight.landing("LFPO"):
            if segment.ILS_max == "06":
                return flight.after(segment.stop - pd.Timedelta("1 min"))
    t3 = quickstart.iterate_lazy().pipe(last_minute_with_taxi).eval()
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection=Lambert93()))
        t3.plot(ax, color="#f58518", zorder=3)
        airports['LFPO'].plot(ax, labels=dict(fontsize=11))
  • select trajectories with more than one runway alignment at LFPG:

    def more_than_one_alignment(flight: "Flight") -> "None | Flight":
        segments = flight.landing("LFPG")
        if first := next(segments, None):
            if second := next(segments, None):
                return flight.after(first.start - pd.Timedelta('90s'))
    t4 = quickstart.iterate_lazy().pipe(more_than_one_alignment).eval()
    flight = t4[0]
    segments = flight.landing("LFPG")
    first = next(segments)
    forward = first.first("70s").forward(minutes=4)
    chart = (
            forward.geoencode(stroke="#79706e", strokeDash=[7, 3], strokeWidth=0.8),
            title=f"Runway change at LFPG airport with {flight.callsign}",
        .configure_title(font="Lato", fontSize=16, anchor="start")