
The traffic library makes an intensive use of pandas DataFrames and of the shapely GIS library.

Static visualization tools are accessible with Matplotlib through the cartes library, which leverages access to more projections and to data from OpenStreetMap. More dynamic visualizations in Jupyter Lab are accessible thanks to the altair and ipyleaflet libraries; other exports to various formats (including CesiumJS or Google Earth) are also available.

Latest release

We recommend creating a fresh conda environment for a first installation:

# Installation
conda create -n traffic -c conda-forge python=3.10 traffic
conda activate traffic

Adjust the Python version you need (>=3.9) and append packages you need for working efficiently, such as Jupyter Lab, xarray, PyTorch or more.

Then activate the environment each time you need to use the traffic library:

conda activate traffic


Please only report installation issues in fresh conda environments.


Consider using mamba for a faster Conda experience.

Updating traffic

  • To update traffic in your conda environment:

    # -n option is followed by the name of the environment
    conda update -n traffic -c conda-forge traffic
  • For the most recent development version, clone the Github repository:

    git clone --depth 1
    cd traffic/
    pip install .


    It should be easier to install the development version inside your conda environment where you installed the latest release.

Contribute to traffic

If you intend to contribute to traffic or file a pull request, the best way to ensure continuous integration does not break is to reproduce an environment with the same exact versions of all dependency libraries.

The following steps are not mandatory, but they will ensure a swift reviewing process:

  • install poetry on your workstation

  • install traffic with poetry:

    git clone --depth 1
    cd traffic/
    poetry install -E all

    Then, you may:

    • prefix all your commands with poetry run

    • or run a shell with all environment variables properly set with poetry shell

  • install the pre-commit hooks so a minimum set of sanity checks can be performed and so you can fix issues before continuous integration (GitHub Actions) fails.

    poetry run pre-commit install

If you work with Visual Studio Code, you can use the Development container that already contains all the dependencies. Just pull/clone the latest version and open the directory or the traffic.code-workspace file with VS Code. You will get a little pop-up message informing you that a Dev Container exists.


Just click Reopen in Container and VS Code will create and configure the container for you. You can now work in the container with a pre-defined development environment that contains all the dependencies you need.

The provided image runs with poetry which will set a proper environment with frozen version of dependencies, a desirable behaviour when you run tests in continuous integration.

If your sit behind a proxy, the poetry install command which will run automatically when you first open the Docker container may fail: you may have to manually set your proxy environment variables in the container shell before running poetry install again in order to get the container ready.


Read more about :ref:`Docker containers <How to use traffic in a Docker

container?>` for traffic.