How to access flight plan information?

A FlightPlan is a structure designed to parse flight plans in the ICAO format. Access to such field may be complicated for non operational fellows, who may have access to different sources of data.


class, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: DataFrameMixin

Eurocontrol DDR files provide flight intentions of aircraft for a full day of traffic across Europe. This data cannot be shared so the file included in the repository has actually been generated from OpenSky ADS-B data to match so6 format.

SO6 represent a collection of trajectories, the bracket notation yields a Flight structure adapted to the specificities of the SO6 format.

from import SO6
so6 = SO6.from_file("./data/sample_m3.so6.7z")

If you are going to work a lot with data for one day, it is recommended to serialize the data so that it loads faster. The structure holds a DataFrame in the data attribute.

You can then access data from the so6 file, by flight, with the bracket notation. Interactive environments (IPython, Jupyter notebooks) provide completion on the flight names.

Callsigns may not be enough to discriminate flights because of same callsigns assigned to a trip with many legs. In general, you can access a Flight from its unique ID or from its callsign

# here equivalent to: so6['HOP36PP']
Flight HOP36PP (332206265)
  • aircraft: A319
  • origin: LFML (2018-01-01 18:15:40+00:00)
  • destination: LFBD (2018-01-01 18:58:00+00:00)

Selects all segments of the SO6 dataframe with time included in the segment interval.

Return type:


between(start, stop)

Selects all segments of the SO6 dataframe with intervals intersecting [start, stop].

The stop argument may be also be written as a datetime.timedelta.

Return type:


classmethod from_file(filename, **kwargs)

In addition to usual formats, you can parse so6 files as text files (.so6 extension) or as 7-zipped text files (.so6.7z extension). :rtype: Optional[TypeVar(SO6TypeVar, bound= SO6)]


You will need the libarchive library to be able to parse .so6.7z files on the fly.


Selects all Flights intersecting the bounding box of the given airspace.

A tuple (west, south, east, north) is also accepted as a parameter.

>>> bdx_so6 = so6.inside_bbox(nm_airspaces["LFBBBDX"])
>>> f"before: {len(so6)} flights, after: {len(bdx_so6)} flights"
before: 11043 flights, after: 1548 flights
Return type:



Selects all Flights intersecting the given airspace. :rtype: SO6


See the impact of calling .inside_bbox(sector) to the bounding box before intersecting the airspace. Note that this chaining may not be safe for smaller airspaces.

noon ="2018/01/01 12:00")
bdx_flights = noon.intersects(nm_airspaces['LFBBBDX'])

CPU times: user 3.9 s, sys: 0 ns, total: 3.9 s
Wall time: 3.9 s
bdx_flights = (

CPU times: user 1.42 s, sys: 8.27 ms, total: 1.43 s
Wall time: 1.43 s

Bases: Flight

SO6 Flight inherit from traffic.core.Flight and implement specificities of the SO6 format.

    columns=['alt1', 'alt2', 'aircraft', 'callsign', 'flight_id']
origin destination lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2 time1 time2
65794 LFML LFBD 43.608398 4.527325 44.543555 1.178150 2018-01-01 18:15:40+00:00 2018-01-01 18:44:50+00:00
65795 LFML LFBD 44.543555 1.178150 44.726898 0.460837 2018-01-01 18:44:50+00:00 2018-01-01 18:52:10+00:00
65796 LFML LFBD 44.726898 0.460837 44.751343 -0.091422 2018-01-01 18:52:10+00:00 2018-01-01 18:58:00+00:00

Identity method, available for consistency

Return type:



Since DDR files contain few points on their trajectory, interpolation functions are provided:

>>> so6['HOP36PP'].at("2018/01/01 18:40")

longitude        1.733156
latitude        44.388586
altitude     26638.857143
dtype: float64
Return type:


between(start, stop, strict=True)


strict: bool = True is not taken into account yet.

Return type:


clip(shape, strict=True)

Clips the trajectory to a given shape.

For a shapely Geometry, the first time of entry and the last time of exit are first computed before returning the part of the trajectory between the two timestamps.

Most of the time, aircraft do not repeatedly come out and in an airspace, but computation errors may sometimes give this impression. As a consequence, the clipped trajectory may have points outside the shape. :rtype: Optional[SO6Flight]


Altitudes are not taken into account.

clip_altitude(min_, max_)

Splits a Flight in several segments comprised between altitudes min_ and max_, with proper interpolations where needed.

Return type:



The resampling method is not available.

Return type:


property start: Timestamp

Returns the minimum value of timestamp.

property stop: Timestamp

Returns the maximum value of timestamp.

EUROCONTROL B2B web services

The NM B2B web services is an interface provided by the EUROCONTROL Network Manager (NM) for system-to-system access to its services and data, allowing users to retrieve and use the information in their own systems.


This code has been moved out of the traffic library. You may install pyb2b <> for the same functionalities.