- class traffic.core.Airspace(name, elements, type_=None, designator=None, properties=None)
- property area: float
Returns the area of the shape, in square meters. The shape is projected to an equivalent local projection before computing a value.
- property bounds: tuple[float, float, float, float]
Returns the bounds of the (bounding box of the) shape. Bounds are given in the following order in the origin crs: (west, south, east, north)
- property extent: tuple[float, float, float, float]
Returns the extent of the (bounding box of the) shape.
When plotting with Matplotlib and Cartopy, the extent property is convenient in the following use case:
>>> ax.set_extent(obj.extent)
- Returns:
Extent is given in the following order in the origin crs: (west, east, south, north)
- geoencode(**kwargs)
Returns an altair encoding of the shape to be composed in an interactive visualization. Specific plot features, such as line widths, can be passed with the kwargs argument. See documentation.
- Return type:
- geojson()
Returns the GeoJSON representation of the shape as a Dict. The transformation is delegated to shapely
- leaflet(**kwargs)
Returns a Leaflet layer to be directly added to a Map.
The elements passed as kwargs as passed as is to the Polygon constructor.
- Return type:
- project_shape(projection=None)
Returns a projected representation of the shape.
- Parameters:
projection (None | pyproj.Proj | ‘crs.Projection) – By default (None), an equivalent projection is applied. Equivalent projections locally respect areas, which is convenient for the area attribute.
- Return type: