
class traffic.algorithms.performance.openap.FuelflowEstimation(initial_mass=None, typecode=None, engine=None)

Estimates the fuel flow with OpenAP.

The OpenAP model is based on the aircraft type (actually, the most probable engine type) and on three features commonly available in ADS-B data:

  • altitude (in ft),

  • vertical rate (in ft/min), and

  • speed (in kts), in order of priority, TAS (true air speed), CAS (computed air speed, used to compute TAS) and groundspeed, if no air speed is available.

  • initial_mass (None | str | float) – by default (None), 90% of the maximum take-off weight. You can also pass a value to initialise the mass. When initial_mass > 1, the mass is in kg. When initial_mass <= 1, it represents the fraction of the maximum take-off weight.

  • typecode (None | str) – by default (None), use the typecode column if available, the provided aircraft database to infer the typecode based on the icao24. Ignored if the engine parameter is not None.

  • engine (None | str) – by default (None), use the default engine associated with the aircraft type.


the same instance enriched with three extra features: the mass, the fuel flow (in kg/s) and the total burnt fuel (in kg).

class traffic.algorithms.performance.openap.PollutantEstimation(initial_mass=None, typecode=None, engine=None)

Estimates the fuel flow with OpenAP.

The estimation method is based on the :class:FuelflowEstimation which is also called on the same instance.


the same instance with new columns for various pollutants, including H20, HC, CO, CO2, NOx and SOx are added to the data frame.