
Airport graphs

class traffic.algorithms.ground.graphs.AirportGraph(graph, projection)

Create a graph from an airport.

buffer_meter(shape, buffer=18)

Add a buffer around the geometric shape.

Useful to simulate for the width of taxiways. The buffer parameter is in meters.

Return type:


property components: list[int]

Confirm the number of connected components


Builds an airport graph based on available information. :rtype: Self

  • merge duplicate nodes

  • for each edge, detect every node that is geographically on the segment (linestring) and split the edge into two.

The resulting graph should be (at least very close to) a single connected component graph.


Compute the intersection of a flight trajectory with all edges of the airport graph.

Return type:



Make a table with statistics of the trajectory along the highlighted segments.

Return type:



Get the most probable path along edges with a pathfinding algorithm.

Returns segment one after the other.

Return type:

Iterator[dict[str, Any]]

marker_edge(data, **kwargs)

Visualisation function to include edges on a Leaflet widget.

Return type:



Visualisation function to include nodes on a Leaflet widget.

Return type:



Relabel the graph to deal with nodes with identical coordinates.

This function helps rebuilding a topologically correct graph based on OpenStreetMap data.

Among the issues with raw OpenStreetMap data, we are bothered by few nodes which have a different id but the same coordinates.

Return type:


snap_and_split(graph, u, v, k, tolerance)

Recursive companion function to split edges when an extra node is located on another edge, without being topologically connected. :rtype: None

  • u, v are the indices of the nodes

  • k is the key (because of the MultiGraph)

  • tolerance (in m) allows snapping points that do not fall exactly on a


split_line_based_on_point(line, splitter)

Split a LineString with a Point

Return type:


Kalman Filter with taxiway constraints

class traffic.algorithms.ground.kalman_taxiway.KalmanTaxiway(airport, projection, closest=None, option='xs')

A Kalman filter that adds a contraint to snap a trajectory to documented taxiways of an airport.

  • airport (str) – The airport ICAO code to be considered.

  • projection (Projection) – A local projection used to compute x and y.

Movement detection

class traffic.algorithms.ground.movement.StartMoving(speed_threshold=2, time_threshold='30s', filter_dict={'compute_gs': 3}, resample_rule='5s')

Returns the part of the trajectory after the aircraft starts moving.


This method has been extensively tested on aircraft taxiing before take-off. It should be adapted/taken with extra care for trajectories after landing.


Returns the length of the diagonal of the minimum rotated rectangle around a given shape.

Consider using a project_shape() method before applying this method if you need a distance in meters.

Return type:


Parking-position detection

class traffic.algorithms.ground.parking_position.ParkingPositionGeometricIntersection(airport, buffer_size=1e-05, parking_positions=None)

Generates possible parking positions at a given airport.

  • airport (str | Airport) – Airport where the ILS is located

  • buffer_size (float) – Parking positions are LineString objects to be buffered. We pass a distance in degrees.

  • parking_positions (Optional[Overpass]) – The parking positions can be passed as an Overpass instance.

The algorithm looks at the intersection between the trajectory and a buffered version of the parking positions.

As a noisy trajectory may intersect several parking positions, it is recommended to use the max() method to select the trajectory segment with the longest duration.

Example usage:

>>> from import elal747
>>> parking = elal747.parking_position('LIRF').max()
>>> parking.duration
Timedelta('0 days 00:05:20')
>>> parking.parking_position_max


This method has been well tested for aircraft taking off, but should be double checked for landing trajectories.

Pushback detection

class traffic.algorithms.ground.pushback.ParkingAreaBasedPushback(airport, stand_areas=None)

Returns the pushback part of the trajectory on ground.

The method identifies the start of the movement, an intersection with a documented apron area and the moment the aircraft suddenly changes direction in the computed track angle.

  • airport (str | Airport) – Airport where the ILS is located

  • stand_areas (Union[None, Overpass, GeoDataFrame, list[Polygon]]) – The parking positions can be passed as an Overpass instance or a list of Polygon.

>>> from import zurich_airport
>>> flight = zurich_airport["AEE5ZH"]
>>> pushback = flight.pushback('LSZH', method="parking_area")
>>> pushback.duration
Timedelta('0 days 00:04:26')


The method has poor performance when trajectory point on ground are lacking. This is often the case for data recorded from locations far from the airport.

class traffic.algorithms.ground.pushback.ParkingPositionBasedPushback(airport, filter_dict={'compute_gs': 21, 'compute_track': 21, 'compute_track_unwrapped': 21}, track_threshold=90, parking_positions=None)

Returns the pushback part of the trajectory on ground.

The method identifies the start of the movement, the parking_position and the moment the aircraft suddenly changes direction in the computed track angle.

  • airport (Union[str, Airport]) – Airport where the ILS is located

  • filter_dict (dict[str, int])

  • track_threshold (float)

  • parking_positions (Optional[Overpass]) – The parking positions can be passed as an Overpass instance.

>>> from import zurich_airport
>>> flight = zurich_airport["AEE5ZH"]
>>> pushback = flight.pushback('LSZH', method="parking_position")
>>> pushback.duration
Timedelta('0 days 00:01:45')


The method has poor performance when trajectory point on ground are lacking. This is often the case for data recorded from locations far from the airport.

Runway detection

class traffic.algorithms.ground.runway.RunwayAlignment(airport)

Iterates on all segments of trajectory matching a runway of the given airport.

Example usage:

>>> from import belevingsvlucht

Count the number of segments aligned with a runway (take-off or landing):

>>> sum(1 for _ in belevingsvlucht.aligned("EHAM", method="runway"))

Get timestamps associated with the first segment matching a runway:

>>> segment ="aligned('EHAM', method='runway')")
>>> f"{segment.start:%H:%M %Z}, {segment.stop:%H:%M %Z}"
'20:17 UTC, 20:18 UTC'

Get the minimum altitude for the aircraft landing:

>>> segment.mean('altitude')  # Schiphol below the sea level