Visualize trajectories with Plotly ================================== Data visualisation is integrated with the `Plotly `__ library as long as it is installed as an optional dependency. You may install `traffic` with the `plotly` option, the `full` option, or install Plotly manually: .. code:: bash # at install time pip install traffic[plotly] # or full # with poetry poetry install traffic -E plotly # or -E full # or simply manually pip install plotly conda install -c conda-forge plotly traffic provides the same interface as the :meth:`` module on the :class:`~traffic.core.Flight` and :class:`~traffic.core.Traffic` classes. All kwargs arguments are passed directly to the corresponding method. - with :func:``: .. jupyter-execute:: from import belevingsvlucht belevingsvlucht.line_mapbox(color="callsign") - with :func:``: .. jupyter-execute:: from import belevingsvlucht fig = belevingsvlucht.scatter_mapbox( color="altitude", width=600, height=600, zoom=6 ) fig.update_layout(margin=dict(l=50, r=0, t=40, b=40)) - as animations (perform resampling in advance and limit yourself to few points): .. jupyter-execute:: from import belevingsvlucht belevingsvlucht.resample("1 min").scatter_mapbox( color="vertical_rate", range_color=[-4000, 4000], animation_frame="timestamp", width=600, height=600, zoom=6, ) It is also possible to combine elements by constructing a :class:`~plotly.graph_objects.Scattermapbox` object: .. jupyter-execute:: from import airports import plotly.graph_objects as go # fig = go.Figure() # if necessary, we can initiate a Figure and fill it later fig = belevingsvlucht.resample("1 min").scatter_mapbox( color="vertical_rate", range_color=[-2000, 2000], animation_frame="timestamp", width=600, height=600, zoom=6, ) fig.add_trace( belevingsvlucht.Scattermapbox( mode="lines", line=dict(color="#f58518", width=1), ) ) fig.update_layout( width=600, height=600, margin=dict(l=50, r=0, t=40, b=40), mapbox=dict( style="carto-positron", zoom=7, center=airports["EHLE"].latlon_dict, ), ) Similar functions are available and bound with :func:`` and :func:``: .. jupyter-execute:: from import airports from import belevingsvlucht fig = belevingsvlucht.line_geo( scope="europe", projection="conic conformal", center=airports["EHLE"].latlon_dict, ) fig.update_layout(margin=dict(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0)) fig.update_geos(resolution=50, fitbounds="locations") fig