How to implement trajectory generation? ======================================= (contribution by Adrien Lafage `@alafage `_) This library provides a ``Generation`` class for creating synthetic traffic data. It implements ``fit()`` and ``sample()`` methods that call the corresponding methods in the generative model passed as argument. You can import this class with the following code: .. jupyter-execute:: from traffic.algorithms.generation import Generation To instantiate such an object you can pass those arguments: * ``generation``: Any object implementing ``fit()`` and ``sample()`` methods. It will define the generative model to use. * ``features``: The list of the features to represent a trajectory. * ``scaler``: A scaler that is optional to make sure each feature weights the same during the fitting part. .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: import numpy as np np.random.seed(42) In the case the generative model within your ``Generation`` object is not fitted to any ``Traffic`` object, you can use the ``fit()`` method. Depending on the generative model used, its ``fit()`` method can be rather time-consuming, esp. with neural network-based generative models. We load here traffic data of landing trajectories at Zurich airport coming from the north. .. jupyter-execute:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import landing_zurich_2019 from import EuroPP t = ( landing_zurich_2019 .query("runway == '14' and initial_flow == '162-216'") .assign_id() .unwrap() .resample(100) .eval() ) with"traffic"): ax = plt.axes(projection=EuroPP()) t.plot(ax, alpha=0.05) t.centroid(nb_samples=None, projection=EuroPP()).plot( ax, color="#f58518" ) Before any fitting, we enrich the Traffic DataFrame with the features we might want to use to generate trajectories. For example, instead of working with ``longitude`` and ``latitude`` values, we can compute their projection (``x`` and ``y`` respectively). .. jupyter-execute:: t = t.compute_xy(projection=EuroPP()) To keep track of time we propose to compute a ``timedelta`` parameter which is for each trajectory coordinates, the difference in seconds with the beginning of the trajectory. .. jupyter-execute:: from traffic.core import Traffic def compute_timedelta(df: "pd.DataFrame"): return (df.timestamp - df.timestamp.min()).dt.total_seconds() t = t.iterate_lazy().assign(timedelta=compute_timedelta).eval() Now we can use the ``fit()`` method to fit our generative model, here a Gaussian Mixture with two components. .. jupyter-execute:: from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler g1 = Generation( generation=GaussianMixture(n_components=2), features=["x", "y", "altitude", "timedelta"], scaler=MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(-1, 1)) ).fit(t) .. note:: This code is equivalent to the following call on the ``Traffic`` object: .. jupyter-execute:: g2 = t.generation( generation=GaussianMixture(n_components=1), features=["x", "y", "altitude", "timedelta"], scaler=MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(-1, 1)) ) .. warning:: Make sure the generative model you want to use implements the ``fit()`` and ``sample()`` methods. Then we can sample the fitted model to produce new Traffic data. .. jupyter-execute:: t_gen1 = g1.sample(500, projection=EuroPP()) t_gen2 = g2.sample(500, projection=EuroPP()) with"traffic"): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, subplot_kw=dict(projection=EuroPP())) t_gen1.plot(ax[0], alpha=0.2) t_gen1.centroid(nb_samples=None, projection=EuroPP()).plot( ax[0], color="#f58518" ) t_gen2.plot(ax[1], alpha=0.2) t_gen2.centroid(nb_samples=None, projection=EuroPP()).plot( ax[1], color="#f58518" ) .. warning:: This very naive model obviously does not produce very convincing results. More appropriate methods will be provided in a near future. .. autoclass:: traffic.algorithms.generation.Generation :members: :inherited-members: :no-undoc-members: :show-inheritance: