Identifying Anomalies in past en-route Trajectories with Clustering and Anomaly Detection Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xavier Olive and Luis Basora | *This notebook comes with the paper published at ATM Seminar 2019.* | Details are presented in the paper. The following code is provided for reproducibility concerns. Data preparation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python import numpy as np from traffic.core import Traffic t = ( # trajectories during the opening hours of the sector Traffic.from_file("data/LFBBPT_flights_2017.pkl") .clean_invalid() # first cleaning and interpolation of positions when points are missing .resample("1s") # come back to 50 samples per trajectory .resample(50) # trajectory clustering needs the log of the altitude .assign( log_altitude=lambda x: x.altitude.apply(lambda x: x if x == 0 else np.log10(x)) ) # lazy evaluation multiprocessed on 12 cores .eval(max_workers=12) ) The data has been downloaded from the `OpenSky Network Impala database <../opensky_usage.html>`__. First a `clustering <../clustering.html>`_ is applied to the dataset. The implementation of the specific clustering described in the paper is available on the following `github repository `_ .. code:: python from import Lambert93 # pip install git+ from sectflow.clustering import TrajClust features = ["x", "y", "latitude", "longitude", "altitude", "log_altitude"] clustering = TrajClust(features) # use the clustering API from traffic t_cluster = t.clustering( nb_samples=2, features=features, projection=Lambert93(), clustering=clustering ).fit_predict(max_workers=12) .. code:: python # Color distribution by cluster from itertools import cycle, islice n_clusters = 1 + color_cycle = cycle( "#fbbb35 #004cb9 #4cc700 #a50016 #510420 #01bcf5 #999999 #e60085 #ffa9c5".split() ) colors = list(islice(color_cycle, n_clusters)) colors.append("#aaaaaa") # color for outliers, if any import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from random import sample from import airways, aixm_airspaces from traffic.drawing.markers import rotate_marker, atc_tower, aircraft with"traffic"): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(15, 10), subplot_kw=dict(projection=Lambert93())) aixm_airspaces["LFBBPT"].plot( ax, linewidth=3, linestyle="dashed", color="steelblue" ) for name in "UN460 UN869 UM728".split(): airways[name].plot(ax, linestyle="dashed", color="#aaaaaa") # do not plot outliers for cluster in range(n_clusters): current_cluster = t_cluster.query(f"cluster == {cluster}") # plot the centroid of each cluster centroid = current_cluster.centroid(50, projection=Lambert93()) centroid.plot(ax, color=colors[cluster], alpha=0.9, linewidth=3) centroid_mark = centroid.at_ratio(0.45) # little aircraft centroid_mark.plot( ax, color=colors[cluster], marker=rotate_marker(aircraft, centroid_mark.track), s=500, text_kw=dict(s=""), # no text associated ) # plot some sample flights from each cluster sample_size = min(20, len(current_cluster)) for flight_id in sample(current_cluster.flight_ids, sample_size): current_cluster[flight_id].plot( ax, color=colors[cluster], alpha=0.1, linewidth=2 ) # TODO improve this: extent with buffer ax.set_extent( tuple( x - 0.5 + (0 if i % 2 == 0 else 1) for i, x in enumerate(aixm_airspaces["LFBBPT"].extent) ) ) # Equivalent of Fig. 5 .. image:: images/sectflow_cluster.png :align: center Machine-Learning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The anomaly detection method is based on a stacked autoencoder (`PyTorch `__ implementation). .. code:: python import torch from torch import nn, optim, from_numpy, rand from torch.autograd import Variable from sklearn.preprocessing import minmax_scale from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm # Stacked autoencoder class Autoencoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.encoder = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(50, 24), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(24, 12), nn.ReLU() ) self.decoder = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(12, 24), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(24, 50), nn.Sigmoid() ) def forward(self, x, **kwargs): x = x + (rand(50).cuda() - 0.5) * 1e-3 # add some noise x = self.encoder(x) x = self.decoder(x) return x # Regularisation term introduced in IV.B.2 def regularisation_term(X, n): samples = torch.linspace(0, X.max(), 100, requires_grad=True) mean = samples.mean() return torch.relu( (torch.histc(X) / n * 100 - 1 / mean * torch.exp(-samples / mean)) ).mean() # ML part def anomalies(t: Traffic, cluster_id: int, lambda_r: float, nb_it: int = 10000): t_id = t.query(f"cluster=={cluster_id}") flight_ids = list(f.flight_id for f in t_id) n = len(flight_ids) X = minmax_scale(np.vstack([:50] for f in t_id)) model = Autoencoder().cuda() criterion = nn.MSELoss() optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3, weight_decay=1e-5) for epoch in tqdm(range(nb_it), leave=False): v = Variable(from_numpy(X.astype(np.float32))).cuda() output = model(v) distance = nn.MSELoss(reduction="none")(output, v).sum(1).sqrt() loss = criterion(output, v) # regularisation loss = ( lambda_r * regularisation_term(distance.cpu().detach(), n) + criterion(output, v).cpu() ) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() output = model(v) return ( (nn.MSELoss(reduction="none")(output, v).sum(1)).sqrt().cpu().detach().numpy() ) # no regularisation for this plot output = anomalies(t_cluster, 3, lambda_r=0, nb_it=3000) The following code plots the distribution of reconstruction errors without regularisation, resulting in two modes in the distribution. The ``lambda_r`` parameter helps reducing this trend. .. code:: python from scipy.stats import expon # Equivalent of Fig. 4 with"traffic"): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 7)) hst = ax.hist(output, bins=50, density=True) mean = output.mean() x = np.arange(0, output.max(), 1e-2) e = expon.pdf(x, 0, output.mean()) ax.plot(x, e, color="#e77074") ax.fill_between(x, e, zorder=-2, color="#e77074", alpha=0.5) ax.axvline( output.mean() * np.log(5), color="crimson", linestyle="solid", linewidth=3 ) .. image:: images/sectflow_distribution.png :align: center