Detecting Controllers' Actions in Past Mode S Data by Autoencoder-Based Anomaly Detection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xavier Olive, Jeremy Grignard, Thomas Dubot and Julie Saint-Lot | *This notebook comes with the paper published at Sesar Innovation Days 2018.* | Details are presented in the paper. The following code is provided for reproducibility concerns. The dataset ~~~~~~~~~~~ The basic dataset consists of one year of trajectories between Paris Orly and Toulouse Blagnac airports. A learning box is arbitrarily defined so as to include about 20 minutes of flight before entering the TMA. .. code:: python from traffic.core import Traffic from shapely.geometry import box # Data: one year of traffic between LFPO and LFBO t = Traffic.from_file("data/2017_lfpo_lfbo.pkl") # The learning box has been set manually on the data learning_box = box( 0.9488888502120971, 44.287776947021484, 2.748888850212097, 45.537776947021484 ) The data has been downloaded from the `OpenSky Network Impala database <../opensky_usage.html>`__. The following recalls all the callsigns selected for this route. .. code:: python # Pretty-print all the callsigns analysed cs = sorted(t.callsigns) for i in range(4): print(" ".join(cs[7*i:7*(i+1)])) .. parsed-literal:: AF128UU AFR21ME AFR22MT AFR22SR AFR26SA AFR27GH AFR38DV AFR43LC AFR47FW AFR49DL AFR51ZU AFR52BW AFR53TQ AFR57XL AFR59UB AFR611H AFR613R AFR61JJ AFR61UJ AFR65WA AFR77PQ AFR88DM EZY24EH EZY289N EZY353H EZY4019 EZY4029 EZY98KP Data preparation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following plot explains how each trajectory is prepared. The basic idea is to clip the trajectory to the learning box, then to resample each trajectory to a fixed number of samples (15 on the figure, 150 for the machine learning method). .. code:: python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import airports, navaids, nm_airspaces from import EuroPP, PlateCarree with"traffic"): fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection=EuroPP())) ax.add_geometries( [learning_box], crs=PlateCarree(), facecolor="None", edgecolor="crimson", linewidth=2, linestyle="dashed", ) # TMA of Toulouse Airport nm_airspaces["LFBOTMA"].plot( ax, edgecolor="black", facecolor="#cccccc", alpha=.3, linewidth=2 ) # Beacon marking the beginning of the STAR procedure navaids["NARAK"].plot( ax, zorder=2, marker="^", shift=dict(units="dots", x=15, y=-15), text_kw={ "s": "NARAK", "verticalalignment": "top", "bbox": dict(facecolor="lightgray", alpha=0.6, boxstyle="round"), }, ) airports["LFBO"].point.plot( ax, shift=dict(units="dots", x=-15), alpha=0, text_kw=dict( s="LFBO", verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", bbox=dict(facecolor="lightgray", alpha=0.6, boxstyle="round"), ), ) # Few trajectories from the data set t.plot(ax, color="#aaaaaa", zorder=-2, linewidth=.6, nb_flights=20) # Details of the data preparation t["EZY24EH_2831"].plot(ax, linewidth=1.5, label="full trajectory") t["EZY24EH_2831"].clip(learning_box).plot( ax, linewidth=3, label="cropped trajectory" ) t["EZY24EH_2831"].clip(learning_box).resample(15).plot( ax, linewidth=0, marker=".", color="black", label="resampled trajectory", ) ax.legend() ax.spines['geo'].set_visible(False) ax.background_patch.set_visible(False) .. image:: images/atc_detect_map.png :align: center The following applies the preprocessing to each trajectory in the dataset. .. code:: python t_clip = Traffic.from_flights( flight # Median filters on all trajectories .filter() # Clipping to the learning box .clip(learning_box) # Resample to 150 samples per flight .resample(150) for flight in t ) # Backup to one file t_clip.to_pickle("data/2017_lfpo_lfbo_prepared.pkl") .. code:: python t_clip = Traffic.from_file("data/2017_lfpo_lfbo_prepared.pkl") t_clip .. raw:: html Traffic with 3536 identifiers
AF128UU_073 150
AFR77PQ_1064 150
AFR77PQ_1012 150
AFR77PQ_1013 150
AFR77PQ_1014 150
AFR77PQ_1015 150
AFR77PQ_1016 150
AFR77PQ_1058 150
AFR77PQ_1059 150
AFR77PQ_1060 150
Machine-Learning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The anomaly detection method is based on a shallow autoencoder (`PyTorch `__ implementation). For the sake of this example, we focus on the track angle signal. At the end of the training period, we look at the distribution of the reconstruction errors. .. code:: python import numpy as np from sklearn.preprocessing import minmax_scale from torch import from_numpy, nn, optim from torch.autograd import Variable from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm # -- Autoencoder architecture -- class Autoencoder(nn.Module): """Basic shallow autoencoder.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.encoder = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(150, 64), # Activation function nn.Sigmoid() ) self.decoder = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(64, 150), # Activation function nn.Sigmoid() ) def forward(self, x, **kwargs): x = self.encoder(x) x = self.decoder(x) return x def anomalies(t: Traffic): flight_ids = list(f.flight_id for f in t) # For this example, we only work on the track angle signal X = minmax_scale(np.vstack( for f in t)) model = Autoencoder().cuda() criterion = nn.MSELoss() optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3, weight_decay=1e-5) # Basic training process (GPU) loss_evolution = [] for epoch in tqdm(range(2000)): v = Variable(from_numpy(X.astype(np.float32))).cuda() output = model(v) loss = criterion(output, v) loss_evolution.append( optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() output = model(v) # Compute the reconstruction error for each flight errors = dict( (id_, err) for id_, err in zip( flight_ids, (nn.MSELoss(reduction="none")(output, v).sum(1)) .sqrt() .cpu() .detach() .numpy(), ) ) return errors, loss_evolution Now we apply the anomaly detection on the preprocessed data and analyse the distribution as explained in the paper. .. code:: python errors, loss_evolution = anomalies(t_clip) with"traffic"): fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(10, 21)) ax1.plot(loss_evolution) ax2.hist(errors.values(), bins=20) h = ax3.hist(errors.values(), bins=20) ax3.set_yscale("log") for i, id_ in enumerate( [ "EZY24EH_3324", "AFR47FW_2174", "AFR61UJ_1321", "AFR27GH_348", "AFR51ZU_027", ] ): ax3.annotate( f"{t[id_].callsign}, {t[id_].stop:%b %d}", xy=(errors[id_], h[0][sum(h[1] - errors[id_] < 0) - 1]), xytext=(errors[id_], 2 ** (i + 3)), fontsize=16, horizontalalignment="left", arrowprops=dict( arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="arc,angleA=180,armA=70,rad=10" ), ) ax1.set_xlabel("Number of epochs", labelpad=10) ax1.set_ylabel("Loss evolution") ax2.set_ylabel("Number of samples") ax3.set_ylabel("Number of samples") ax3.set_xlabel("Reconstruction error", labelpad=10) .. image:: images/atc_detect_distribution.png :scale: 70 % :align: center