Zero-gravity flights ==================== `Zero-gravity flights `_ are regularly operated on an Airbus A310 in order to conduct many kind of scientific experiments in zero gravity. One of such trajectories is present in the :ref:`sample flights ` of the library: we can observe the characteristic profile in altitude and indicated airspeed. .. jupyter-execute:: :code-below: import altair as alt from import zero_gravity focus = zero_gravity.phases(twindow=45).skip("45 min").first("15 min") base = focus.chart().encode( alt.X( "utchoursminutesseconds(timestamp)", axis=alt.Axis(title=None, format="%H:%M"), ) ) chart = ( alt.vconcat( alt.layer( base.encode( y=alt.Y( "altitude", scale=alt.Scale(domain=(15000, 30000)), axis=alt.Axis( title="altitude (in ft)", labelColor="#4c78a8", titleColor="#4c78a8", ), ), ).mark_line(color="#4c78a8"), base.encode( y=alt.Y( "IAS", scale=alt.Scale(domain=(100, 350)), axis=alt.Axis( title="indicated airspeed (in kts)", labelColor="#f58518", titleColor="#f58518", titleAnchor="end", ), ), ).mark_line(color="#f58518"), ) .resolve_scale(y="independent") .properties(width=500, height=200), base.encode( y=alt.Y("phase", title="Flight phase"), color=alt.Color( "phase", legend=None, scale=alt.Scale( domain=["LEVEL", "CLIMB", "DESCENT"], range=["#4c78a8", "#f58518", "#54a24b"], ), ), ) .mark_point() .properties(width=500, height=75), ) .configure_axis( labelFontSize=14, titleFontSize=16, titleAngle=0, titleY=-10, titleAnchor="start", ) ) chart .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: :hide-output: #"_static/zero_gravity-thumb.png") .. jupyter-execute:: :code-below: from ipyleaflet import Map m = Map(zoom=8, center=(49, -2)) m.add(zero_gravity, color="#79706e", weight=2) for segment in focus.query('phase=="CLIMB"').split("30s"): m.add(segment, color="#f58518", weight=4) for segment in focus.query('phase=="DESCENT"').split("30s"): m.add(segment, color="#54a24b", weight=4) for segment in focus.query('phase=="LEVEL"').split("30s"): m.add(segment, color="#4c78a8", weight=4) m