Analysing in-flight emergencies using big data ---------------------------------------------- .. image:: :target: .. admonition:: Corresponding publication | X. Olive, A. Tanner, M. Strohmeier, M. Schäfer, M. Feridun, A. Tart, I. Martinovic and V. Lenders. | **OpenSky Report 2020: Analysing in-flight emergencies using big data**. `(paper) `__ | *Proceedings of the 39th Digital Avionics Systems Conference* (DASC), 2020 The dataset presented in the paper is available as a direct import in the library. .. jupyter-execute:: from import squawk7700 squawk7700 Metadata ======== Associated metadata is merged into the Traffic structure, but also available as an attribute. The table includes information about: - flight information: ``callsign``, ``number`` (IATA flight number), ``origin`` , ``destination`` (where the aircraft intended to land), ``landing`` (where the aircraft actually landed, if available), ``diverted`` (where the aircraft actually landed, if applicable); - aircraft information: ``icao24`` transponder identifier, ``registration`` (the tail number) and ``typecode``; - information about the nature of the emergency, from Twitter and `The Aviation Herald `__. .. jupyter-execute:: squawk7700.metadata.iloc[:10, :10] # just a preview to fit this page .. jupyter-execute:: squawk7700.metadata.iloc[:10, 10:] # just a preview to fit this page Data exploration ================ Simple queries provide subsets of the trajectories: - diverted aircraft: ``diverted == diverted`` selects flights where ``diverted`` is not empty (``NaN``); - returning aircraft, when the diversion airport is the origin airport .. jupyter-execute:: squawk7700.query("diverted == diverted") | squawk7700.query("diverted == origin") For example, we can pick the following emergency situation: .. jupyter-execute:: squawk7700["AFR1196_20180303"] The ``highlight`` keyword helps identifying parts of the trajectory where the 7700 squawk code was activated. .. jupyter-execute:: from ipywidgets import Layout squawk7700["AFR1196_20180303"].map_leaflet( zoom=7, highlight=dict(red=lambda f: f.emergency()), layout=Layout(height="500px", max_width="800px"), ) Information about the nature of the emergencies have been collected from two sources of information: Twitter and `The Aviation Herald `_. The following categories have been created: - ``nan`` means no information was found; - ``unclear`` means that we found an entry about the flight, but that the reason remains unknown; - ``misc`` means that the explanation does not fit any category. .. jupyter-execute:: tweet_issues = set(squawk7700.metadata.tweet_problem) avh_issues = set(squawk7700.metadata.avh_problem) tweet_issues | avh_issues Cabin depressurisation ====================== Since the metadata has been merged into the Traffic structure, we can select flights meeting certain requirements: - we found 31 flights related to cabin pressure or cracked windshields; - among them, 27 flights were diverted .. jupyter-execute:: pressure_pbs = ["cabin_pressure", "cracked_windshield"] pressure = squawk7700.query( f"tweet_problem in {pressure_pbs} or avh_problem in {pressure_pbs}" ) pressure | pressure.query("diverted == diverted") These flights are usually characterised by a rapid descent to around 10,000ft. .. jupyter-execute:: squawk7700["RPA4599_20190719"] .. jupyter-execute:: import altair as alt base = ( squawk7700["RPA4599_20190719"] .chart() .encode( alt.X( "utchoursminutesseconds(timestamp)", axis=alt.Axis(title=None, format="%H:%M"), ), alt.Y( "altitude", title="altitude (in ft)", axis=alt.Axis(titleAngle=0, titleY=-15, titleAnchor="start"), ), ) ) chart = ( alt.layer( base, base.transform_filter("datum.squawk == 7700").mark_line(color="#f58518"), ) .properties(height=250) .configure_axis(labelFontSize=12, titleFontSize=13) ) chart .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: :hide-output: #"_static/squawk7700-thumb.png") Dumping fuel to reduce landing weight ===================================== Emergencies are sometimes associated to dumping fuel in order to reduce landing weight: .. jupyter-execute:: tweet_fueldump = set(squawk7700.metadata.tweet_fueldump) avh_fueldump = set(squawk7700.metadata.avh_fueldump) tweet_fueldump | avh_fueldump .. jupyter-execute:: fuel = ["fueldump", "hold_to_reduce"] squawk7700.query(f"tweet_fueldump in {fuel} or avh_fueldump in {fuel}") .. jupyter-execute:: squawk7700["AFL2175_20190723"] | squawk7700["BAW119_20190703"] Landing attempts ================ Also, sometimes emergency situations are associated to several landing attempts, at the same or at different airports. :meth:`~traffic.core.Flight.aligned_on_ils` and :meth:`~traffic.core.Flight.landing_attempts` are two methods available to detect these events: .. jupyter-execute:: squawk7700["AFR1145_20190820"].last("45 min") .. jupyter-execute:: squawk7700["AFR1145_20190820"].landing_attempts() .. jupyter-execute:: squawk7700["AFR1145_20190820"].map_leaflet( zoom=9, airport="ELLX", highlight=dict(red=lambda f: f.landing_attempts()), ) | Explanation about this particular situation is available: | `Incident: France A319 near Luxembourg on Aug 20th 2019, hot brakes indication `_ .. jupyter-execute:: squawk7700.metadata.query('flight_id == "AFR1145_20190820"').iloc[0].to_dict()