How to access beacons and airways information? ============================================== Air navigation and communication with air traffic control (ATC) is mostly based on the use of navigational beacons and airways. In recent years, airways tend to be replaced by Free Route Areas (FRA), but airways are still bound to exist in some parts of the world, Oceanic areas, mountainous areas, and free route navigation remains based on navigational beacons. Navigational beacons (called ``navaids`` in the library) are of different types: historically the first ones were attached to VOR equipment, but we can mostly consider they are a name attached to geographic coordinates. Basic data of questionable accuracy is provided with the library: .. code:: python from import airways, navaids However, if other sources of data are configured (e.g. `EUROCONTROL data files `_), the library will look into all sources (with the basic data source set as lowest priority) .. autoclass:: :members: :no-inherited-members: :no-undoc-members: .. autoclass:: :members: :no-inherited-members: :no-undoc-members: .. tip:: The same L888 route can also be plotted inside a Leaflet widget. .. jupyter-execute:: from ipyleaflet import Map, basemaps m = Map(center=(32.3, 99), zoom=4, basemap=basemaps.Stadia.StamenTerrain) m.add(airways["L888"]) m